Global Compact on migration: Presenting proposals centered on the rights of migrants

At the UN, States will begin negotiating the Global Compact on migration. CELS and five other organizations present concrete measures that the Compact should include to guarantee migrants’ rights.

In a global context marked by widespread violations of migrants’ human rights, tomorrow UN member countries will begin negotiating a Global Compact for migration that seeks to establish a common agenda on migration for the first time. This instrument (to be debated in New York through July) faces two main challenges: to reflect a perspective centered on human dignity rather than the control and retention of migration, and to promote concrete actions and measures that States can put into practice.

As a contribution to this process, we present a joint document based on our experiences in Latin America with four core themes: migratory regularization, oversight of expulsions, non-criminalization of migration, and access to justice. With the goal of ensuring the effective exercise of rights, we set forth guiding principles, lines of action, objectives and measures that States could implement at a national and international level.

The document offers concrete proposals for incorporating international human rights standards into migratory policies. Our national work demonstrates that, far from being abstract principles, these standards can inform, guide and define practical aspects of public policy.

Asylum Access
Centro de Derechos Humanos de la Universidad Diego Portales (Chile)
Centro de Estudios Legales y Sociales – CELS (Argentina)
Comisión Argentina para los Refugiados y Migrantes – Caref (Argentina)
Conectas Direitos Humanos (Brazil)
Fundar – Centro de análisis e investigación (Mexico)