Sheraton case:  a new trial begins

On November 25, the fourth stage of the trial began for crimes against humanity committed at the clandestine detention and torture center that operated out of the Villa Insuperable sub-station, Buenos Aires Province.

Trial proceedings began on November 25 in Federal Court No. 1 against two officers from the Ciudadela (Buenos Aires Province) Artillery Group 1, for crimes against humanity committed in the clandestine detention and torture center, known as the “Sheraton,” that operated during the last military dictatorship in Argentina. The officers in question are Alejandro Federico Salice and Roberto Horacio Sifón, chiefs of the logistics and finance divisions of that military unit, who were in charge of Area 114 and the CCDT, which operated out of the Villa Insuperable sub-station.

They will be tried for crimes committed against 28 people who were victims of illegal deprivation of their liberty, torture and, in three cases, homicide. The victims include Roberto Carri and Ana María Caruso, abducted on February 4, 1977 and held at said clandestine detention and torture center until late December 1977. CELS is representing their daughters as plaintiffs in the case.

The hearings will be held remotely via video-conferencing platform. The dates set for 2022 are: November 25 at 11:30 a.m.; December 2 at 11:00 a.m.; December 16 at 10:00 a.m.; and December 26 at 12:00 noon. Hearings will continue in 2023.