Letter to German government: Milei’s measures about public politics and human rights for women and LGBTTIQ+ community

In view of Argentine President’s visit to Germany, more than 60 feminist organizations would like to share information on the situation of women’s rights since this government took office.

The phenomenon of the far-right political movements, known as right-wing populism, extreme right or neo-fascism, has been growing across Europe as well as in Latin America and other regions of the world. These movements exhibit both common global characteristics and unique local expressions. Common traits include xenophobic nationalism, historical negationism, and regressive views on gender roles, LGBTQ+ rights, and the rights of racialized communities.

As women and members of the LGBT+ community working in feminist organizations in our region, we were pleased about German commitment to a feminist foreign policy and specifying how Germany will make its values credible in today’s world. For that reason, in view of Argentine President’s visit to Germany, more than 70 feminist organizations sent a letter to German Federal Foreign Minister, Ms. Annalena Baerbock. We would like to share information on the situation of women’s rights since this government took office.

In December 2023, Javier Milei assumed the presidency of Argentina with an extreme anti-politics and libertarian stance. His government is currently implementing an austerity program which implies a drastic reduction of public spending along the lines of -30%. In the first quarter of 2024 there was a sharp drop in the real execution of the great majority of budget lines, including in areas that are fundamental to ensure basic human rights such as the rights to food, education and health.

It is our view that the Milei government’s measures and narratives reveal a clear regression in women’s rights, not only hindering Argentina’s policies and position in international fora, but also taking away from the country’s leading progressive take on these agendas. This poses a risk to women’s rights across the region and the world which cannot be ignored.

We requested Baerbock Minister to consider information provided and express concern to the Argentine authorities on their visit.

See here complete letter and list of signatory organizations.

Photo: Maria Eugenia Cerruti