Six Months of Javier Milei’s Government in Argentina: Shock Doctrine and Libertarian Authoritarianism

On a new tour in Europe, President Javier Milei will visit Hamburg and Berlin this weekend. Together with the German organization Misereor, we are publishing this report in Spanish and German on the concrete risks to human rights posed by the measures of the La Libertad Avanza government.

Under the pretext of macroeconomic stabilization, since taking office in December 2023, Javier Milei’s government has eliminated and weakened social and labor protections for the majority of the population and deregulated environmental protection policies. Taken together, these measures constitute a shock process aimed at a radical change in the social model for Argentina.

Moreover, the alliance that made Milei’s victory possible is composed of a diverse array of right-wing factions. Their common denominator lies less in an economic agenda than it does in a shared belief that they are waging a cultural battle against progressivism.

Movements such as feminism, environmental activism, human rights advocacy, and efforts against impunity for crimes committed during the dictatorship are seen as adversaries by this right-wing coalition, as they have fostered collaborations with the state and advocated for public policies that expand rights.

This report, compiled jointly with Misereor, analyzes the various policies of the Milei government within the context of the global advance of extreme right-wing ideologies, a global scenario posing concrete risks to the upholding of human rights.

Spanish report

German report