IACHR Hearing: State fails to address refugee and asylum issues

CAREF, CELS, and the Jesuit Migrant Service (SJM) called on the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) to urge the Argentine government to repeal Decree 942/2024, as it undermines due process guarantees and the right to seek and receive asylum. Furthermore, we emphasized that the State must uphold its obligations regarding the rights of refugees and asylum seekers and, in particular, ensure the competence of the officials responsible for adjudicating asylum claims.


Milei’s decree: unconstitutional and incompatible with international law

We have compiled a document highlighting international human rights standards, enshrined in the Argentine Constitution, which are not upheld in the president’s DNU 70/23. This material, submitted to Congress as a contribution to legislative efforts, serves as a guide to the declarations, conventions, principles, and observations within the international system pertaining to the rights impacted by the DNU.


We submit that the Judiciary declare President Milei’s DNU 70/2023 unconstitutional

We filed a petition with Argentina’s federal administrative court. It is our view that the decree violates the separation of powers, suppressing or restricting individual and collective rights and guarantees. We underscore that the DNU’s submission by the executive power breaches constitutional rules, usurping powers that are prohibited to him and reserved for the National Congress.


The price of debt: a podcast about the impact of debt on our rights

Narrated by journalist Noelia Barral Grigera and with the participation of analysts, social activists, and experts in economics and politics , among others, CELS is launching a podcast series on Argentina’s external debt. In six episodes, which will be available on Spotify, we delve into what debt is, its scope, and why it is important to understand the tangible consequences it has on fundamental rights such as work, health, and education.


Indigenous peoples: the state fails to meet its commitments and backslides in response to racist pressure

Despite having the right to ownership and possession of their ancestral territories, this right is not enforced nor are there policies in place to guarantee that Indigenous people can live out their lives in keeping with their identity. The progress made in recent decades has not been sufficient. State response is often couched in rhetoric and stigmatizing stereotypes. The growing number of complaints is linked to this historic debt.


End of a policy that never should have existed

We applaud the Executive Branch’s decision to repeal DNU 70/2017, the implementation of which posed a clear setback for migrant rights in the country over the past four years. The annulment of this decree is a fundamental step towards equality, the right to migrate and towards the recognition of the State’s obligation to regulate migration.


End of a Policy that Never Should Have Existed

We applaud the Executive Branch’s decision to repeal DNU 70/2017, the implementation of which posed a clear setback for migrant rights in the country over the past four years. The annulment of this decree is a fundamental step towards equality, the right to migrate and towards the recognition of the State’s obligation to regulate migration.


Covid-19 and Surveillance: Protecting Our Rights

During the pandemic, the sharp increase in state surveillance in Argentina has been marked by a lack of transparency regarding the methods used or the destination of the information collected. This opens the door to human rights violations in terms of freedom of expression, right to assembly and to privacy.


Trans and Travesti Human Rights During Isolation

For the travesti* and trans community, the implementation of COVID-19 prevention measures is often synonymous of further restriction to their already precarious access to housing, food, health and work. Public health policies for members of this community must be inclusive and integrated, and the State must actively repair years of violations to their rights. This is a joint statement with the Bachillerato Popular Travesti-Trans Mocha Celis (the Mocha Celis Travesti-Trans High School).


The United Nations recognizes the rights of peasants

The Declaration on the Rights of Peasants and Other People Working in Rural Areas promotes measures to guarantee access to land, the protection of seeds in light of their commodification and a stop to evictions, among many other issues.


The Global Compact for Migration was adopted

More than 160 UN member countries endorsed the Global Compact for Migration at an intergovernmental conference held on December 10-11. This agreement includes some important advances, above all in a context of growing xenophobia and nationalism in Latin America and the world.


The state of economic, social and cultural rights in Argentina

This document compiles the information sent to the UN committee evaluating Argentina’s compliance with its obligations under the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. In a context of economic crisis, fiscal adjustment and preexisting structural limitations, the outlook is worrisome.



The Senate voted to sustain the clandestine nature of abortion in Argentina, after months of massive social mobilizations.



We call on senators to vote in favor of rights and against clandestine conditions, criminalization and death.


Treating migration as a security problem violates human rights

During the final round of negotiations on the Global Compact for Migration, 40 organizations urged UN member states to ensure that the accord fully incorporate a rights-based approach. The last draft includes changes that reinforce a focus on control and security. If this is validated, countries will have wasted a historic opportunity to fuel a paradigm shift.


IACHR: sexual and reproductive rights & the secular state

Argentina must review legislation that is discriminatory, such as the criminalization of abortion and the lack of access to health care for women who decide to interrupt their pregnancies. The IACHR also put itself at the disposition of states in the region to assist with establishing a clear separation between the secular state and religious beliefs.



After the lower house passed a bill to legalize the voluntary interruption of pregnancy through week fourteen, 129 votes to 125, we call on senators to vote in favor of human rights and of ending clandestine abortions in Argentina.



A Global Compact to return migrants?

The latest draft of the Global Compact for Migration avoids mentioning the regularization of those who are already living in their destination country, which is a serious omission. Opinion piece by Camila Barretto Maia, Diego Morales y Raísa Ortiz Cetra.


The right to privacy in the digital age

The International Network of Civil Liberties Organizations (INCLO) submitted its reflections on the challenges posed by privacy in the digital age to the UN Human Rights Committee.