
Democracy Prize, Human Rights category, awarded by the Centro Cultural Caras y Caretas. (2015)

XI Joan Alsina Human Rights Award, given by the Casa Amèrica Catalunya and the Asociación en Apoyo de las Organizaciones Populares Chilenas (ASOPXI). (2011)

Justice Prize, awarded by the Gruber Foundation. (2011)

Liberty, Equality, Fraternity Human Rights Prize of the French Republic. (2009)

Good Practices in the Fight Against Discrimination Award, given by Argentina’s National Institute to Combat Discrimination, Xenophobia and Racism (INADI) in the framework of the National Seminar for the Implementation of the National Plan to Combat Discrimination. (2006)

Human Rights Prize, given by Lawyers’ Committee for Human Rights. (1988)

Roger E. Joseph Prize, awarded by the Hebrew Union College – Jewish Institute of Religion. (1988)

Letelier-Moffit Human Rights Award, given by the Institute for Policy Studies. (1983)