Intersectionality and protest
16 pages
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Special Report: Milei. Year One.
Autor/a: CELS
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Silencing dissent through fear. Restrictions on civic space in Argentina
Autor/a: CELS
10 pages
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From head to toe: the criminal use of less lethal weapons in social protests in Latin America
Autor/a: CELS & Temblores
51 pags.
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Canceled memory: the libertarian attempt to re-legitimize the dictatorship
Autor/a: CELS & Memoria Abierta
9 pages
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Bullets and jail: Criminalization of protesters and restriction of democratic freedoms in Argentina
Autor/a: CELS
14 pages
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State terrorism and memory, truth, and justice policies six months into the government of Javier Milei
Autor/a: CELS & Memoria Abierta
15 pages
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Milei’s decree: unconstitutional and incompatible with international law
Autor/a: CELS
25 pages
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The state of economic, social and cultural rights in Argentina
Autor/a: Various
10 pgs.
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The right to privacy in the digital age
Autor/a: INCLO
11 pgs.
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Aligning Agendas: Drugs, Sustainable Development, and the Drive for Policy Coherence
Autor/a: International Expert Group on Drug Policy Metrics
28 pgs.
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Global compact on migration: Recommendations for a compact with a rights-based approach
Autor/a: Various
45 pgs.
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Building a Human Rights Framework for Drug Policies
Autor/a: CELS
6 pgs.
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National Consensus for Decent Habitat
Autor/a: Habitar Argentina
14 pgs.
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Migrant Rights: Sharing, and Expanding on, Lessons Learned in Argentina
Autor/a: CELS
4 pgs.
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