The state of economic, social and cultural rights in Argentina
Autor/a: Various
10 pgs.
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Ancestral lands: the Inter-American Court will intervene for the first time in a case from Argentina
An emblematic case for guaranteeing the rights of indigenous peoples in our country has been brought before the Inter-American Court of Human Rights.
National Consensus for Decent Habitat
Autor/a: Habitar Argentina
14 pgs.
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Tigre: The municipality and province must provide basic services to the Garrote neighborhood
An appeals court in Buenos Aires ratified, on human rights grounds, a previous judicial order that benefits residents of the Garrote neighborhood.
A new opportunity to improve quality of life in the Matanza-Riachuelo river basin
The Court issued a follow-up ruling to its 2008 decision that reaffirmed the need to mend the environment and prevent future damage.
Brutal police operation and torture of Nam Qom community in Formosa: hearing before IACHR
A hearing will be held before the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) regarding violence against the Nam Qom community in August 2002 and the lack of state response.
More equality, less speculation: What is missing from the New Urban Agenda of Habitat III
UN member countries are discussing a New Urban Agenda, which aims to set international standards for reducing the number of households without housing and achieving sustainable urban development over the next 20 years.

Crossing the Threshold: Challenges and Proposals for Deinstitutionalization from Asylums
Autor/a: CELS
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