Letter to German government: Milei’s measures about public politics and human rights for women and LGBTTIQ+ community
In view of Argentine President’s visit to Germany, more than 60 feminist organizations would like to share information on the situation of women’s rights since this government took office.
We submit that the Judiciary declare President Milei’s DNU 70/2023 unconstitutional
We filed a petition with Argentina’s federal administrative court. It is our view that the decree violates the separation of powers, suppressing or restricting individual and collective rights and guarantees. We underscore that the DNU’s submission by the executive power breaches constitutional rules, usurping powers that are prohibited to him and reserved for the National Congress.
Argentine government seeks to amend the national constitution by decree
The decree of necessity and urgency announced by President Milei on December 20 oversteps the National Congress and undermines the democratic separation of powers in Argentina. With its entry into force, no right will be spared: be it the right to work, access to food, health, or housing.
UN Committee Decries Racial Discrimination in Global COVID-19 Vaccine Access
Germany, Switzerland, UK, and US Called to Account for Not Supporting a Comprehensive Waiver of Intellectual Property and Mandating Pharmaceuticals Transfer Technology.
Campaigners petition UN to investigate racial and gender discrimination in global COVID-19 vaccine roll-out
US, UK, Germany, Norway, and Switzerland in violation of international human rights law in “prolonging the pandemic” ahead of vital World Trade Organisation meeting .
Individual and Collective Mourning Require Assistance
Grief must be considered as a right, which cannot be reduced to an individual matter. Families and individuals should not face alone the demise of their loved ones. The impact of these deaths needs to be shared and processed collectively. Joint document with Memoria Abierta.
More equality, less speculation: What is missing from the New Urban Agenda of Habitat III
UN member countries are discussing a New Urban Agenda, which aims to set international standards for reducing the number of households without housing and achieving sustainable urban development over the next 20 years.
Statement of support for state regulation of the use of medical cannabis
Joint statement by the Center for Legal and Social Studies (CELS), the Centro Cultural de la Cooperación (CCC) and the Centro de Estudios de la Cultura Cannábica (CECCa).
Misoprostol: We ask that ANMAT recognize it as an obstetrical drug and guarantee access
Today we are asking ANMAT to amend a ruling governing conditions of sale for drugs containing misoprostol and that the entity establish an appropriate mechanism to ensure access to this medication.