IACHR: Argentina’s government appears aggressive and ill-prepared in hearings on human rights protections
The representative from the La Libertad Avanza administration claimed poverty is decreasing but could not provide any specifics regarding social policies for children and adolescents. Nor did he address the provision of medical supplies to guarantee sexual and reproductive health. Additionally, he denied the existence of gender-based violence. During the hearing on memory policies, he attacked human rights organizations, accusing them of seeking revenge for the last military dictatorship.
Letter to German government: Milei’s measures about public politics and human rights for women and LGBTTIQ+ community
In view of Argentine President’s visit to Germany, more than 60 feminist organizations would like to share information on the situation of women’s rights since this government took office.
Supreme Court: we oppose the nominations of Lijo and García-Mansilla
We have submitted to the National Ministry of Justice our observations regarding the nominations proposed by the Executive Branch for the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation (SCJN). We believe the proposed candidates’ profiles are incompatible with the required standards to serve on the highest court.
UN universal periodic review: What is Argentina’s human rights situation?
Argentina will be reviewed in the United Nations Human Rights Council on Monday, January 23. It will have to report to its peers on compliance with its international commitments on human rights matters. CELS, along with other organizations, produced reports as prior contributions for the assessment and recommendations to be produced by this mechanism. We will also be present at the session in Geneva.
Ending the Criminalization of Abortion Is Urgent
A new political opportunity is presenting itself in the long struggle for the right to voluntary abortion, for the sake of health, equality and dignity. We urge the National Congress to do its share in expanding the sexual rights of millions of persons and make history.
Misoprostol for obstetrical and gynecological use will be available in pharmacies
Argentina’s food and drug regulator authorized the sale of misoprostol in pharmacies under a special prescription mechanism. This is a hugely important move for the health of women and persons with the capacity to gestate.
The state of economic, social and cultural rights in Argentina
Autor/a: Various
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The Senate voted to sustain the clandestine nature of abortion in Argentina, after months of massive social mobilizations.
We call on senators to vote in favor of rights and against clandestine conditions, criminalization and death.
IACHR: sexual and reproductive rights & the secular state
Argentina must review legislation that is discriminatory, such as the criminalization of abortion and the lack of access to health care for women who decide to interrupt their pregnancies. The IACHR also put itself at the disposition of states in the region to assist with establishing a clear separation between the secular state and religious beliefs.
After the lower house passed a bill to legalize the voluntary interruption of pregnancy through week fourteen, 129 votes to 125, we call on senators to vote in favor of human rights and of ending clandestine abortions in Argentina.
Legal abortion: UN bodies give their backing
The Working Group on discrimination against women urged the Argentine state to approve the bill to legalize the voluntary interruption of pregnancy. This is the latest in a series of such recommendations by UN bodies, based on human rights considerations.
The green scarf of the National Campaign for the Right to Legal, Safe and Free Abortion became part of the uniform of high school students. Teenage girls formed gender committees within student councils and are coordinating efforts to fight for their rights.
INCLO statement on women’s right to equality and access to reproductive healthcare including abortion
INCLO is a network of 13 national human rights organizations from different countries that work together to promote fundamental rights and freedoms. After celebrating a victory in Ireland on the abortion referendum, it is now Argentina’s turn.
Legal abortion: Legislating for the future
CELS participated in the last hearing in Congress on legal abortion. Edurne Cárdenas spoke there about the need to guarantee access to this right.
IACHR hearing on abortion: Legalization is a human rights imperative
More than half a million women undergo clandestine abortions every year in Argentina and since 1983, more than 3,000 women have paid for the criminalization of abortion with their lives.
Legalizing abortion: We present our human rights arguments to Congress
CELS’ Executive Director addressed the plenary meeting of the congressional committees that must examine eight bills on the voluntary interruption of pregnancy. He spoke in support of the bill backed by the National Campaign for the Right to Legal, Safe and Free Abortion.
Human Rights in Argentina: Our 2017 report in broad strokes
Argentina is known globally for its hard-fought Memory, Truth and Justice process over the crimes committed during the 1976-1983 dictatorship. But numerous other human rights achievements have been enshrined in the country’s constitution, laws, regulations and jurisprudence over the years. Today, some of those are at risk.
The Argentine state will be evaluated at the UN
National organizations presented their assessments for the Universal Periodic Review (UPR), a peer evaluation of the human rights situation in each of the UN’s 193 member states. Argentina will be evaluated in early November.
OAS must reject the Argentine candidate for the IACHR
The countries of the OAS must elect new commissioners to the IACHR. In February we formally objected to the Argentine state’s candidate. In addition, two ex-presidents of the IACHR, an international panel of independent experts and more than 60 scholars rejected his candidacy.
Argentine state faces UN Committee Against Torture
The Argentine state’s compliance with the Convention against Torture will be evaluated on Wednesday, April 26 and Thursday, April 27. CELS submitted a report to the UN Committee that carries out the evaluation and contributed to two reports produced with other organizations.

Misoprostol: We ask that ANMAT recognize it as an obstetrical drug and guarantee access
Today we are asking ANMAT to amend a ruling governing conditions of sale for drugs containing misoprostol and that the entity establish an appropriate mechanism to ensure access to this medication.
The case of Belén: Ten organizations filed amicus curiae in support of her release
Ten organizations committed to human rights filed amicus curiae before the Supreme Court of Justice of Tucuman, which must rule on the appeal filed by Belén’s lawyer, Soledad Deza, from the association Catholics for the Right to Decide.
The UN Human Rights Committee analyzed the state of civil and political rights in Argentina
Dialogue between the UN Human Rights Committee and the Argentine state regarding compliance with the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.