Repression as policy: Violence, arbitrary detentions, and the use of dangerous weapons in Argentina
The mobilization outside Congress demanding a pension increase on March 12 was violently repressed in a large-scale operation involving five security forces. Security Minister Patricia Bullrich had warned in advance that there would be repression. Tear gas, rubber bullets, and arbitrary detentions marked a day in which the government justified its actions by invoking the narrative of an “attempted coup.”
Venezuela presidential election: international organizations call on authorities to guarantee transparency
On July 28, Venezuelans participated massively and peacefully in the presidential elections, demonstrating an inspiring commitment to democratic principles. This occurred despite the fact that the electoral process was severely marred by human rights violations and irregularities. The undersigned international organizations condemn the lack of transparency in the announced results.
The Government reaffirmed its policy of criminalizing protests and defended its use of repression before the IACHR
During a public hearing requested by human rights, labor, and social organizations, representatives from the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) and the United Nations expressed their concerns about the use of force, arbitrary detentions, the Ministry of Security’s protocol, and the stigmatization of demonstrators and social organizations.
Bullets and jail: Criminalization of protesters and restriction of democratic freedoms in Argentina
Autor/a: CELS
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We denounced the restrictions on the right to protest before the IACHR and the UN: detentions combined with an arbitrary and dangerous escalation of punitive measures
This came after the repression of thislast week’s protest against the “Bases and Starting Points for the Freedom of Argentines” Bill in Congress. More than 30 people were arbitrarily detained and later accused by the prosecution of serious crimes against democratic order, echoing the government’s accusations of terrorism and an attempt to overthrow the government.
On the situation of human rights in Venezuela
Given the persecution of human rights defenders and the expulsion of United Nations mechanisms, we take a stance together with other civil society organizations about this serious precedent in the region.
Milagro Sala: New complaint submitted to Inter-American System
We submitted our complaint against the Argentine State for the process of harassment and criminalization that Sala and the Tupac Amaru organization have suffered since her arrest in 2016. Government policy in Jujuy reaches much further, seeking to demobilize and limit the right to protest.
Racism, police violence and drug policies on the UN Human Rights Council agenda
Together with other human rights organizations, in this session we worked on various security and human rights issues.
Call For the Immediate Release of Human Rights Defenders Detained in Egypt
Abuelas, Madres de Plaza de Mayo – Línea fundadora and CELS denounce the arbitrary detention of members of one of the oldest and most respected human rights organizations in Egypt, the Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights (EIPR).
Milagro Sala: Supreme Court ordered that Jujuy’s judiciary comply with the Inter-American Court’s provisional measures
In a unanimous ruling, the Argentine Supreme Court enjoined the judiciary of Jujuy province to urgently adopt the measures needed to safeguard the life, personal integrity and health of Milagro Sala, as ordered by the Inter-American Court of Human Rights.
Milagro Sala: IACHR requests Inter-American Court intervention since state failed to comply with precautionary measure
The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) indicated that “the conditions of extreme gravity, urgency and risk of irreparable damage” set forth in the American Convention on Human Rights have been met.
Milagro Sala: The risks increase as Argentina flouts the IACHR’s precautionary measure
At a working meeting convened by the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR), representatives of Amnesty International and CELS warned that the risks she runs have intensified.
Milagro Sala: Appeals court revoked her house arrest
The Chamber of Appeals and Control of Jujuy province revoked Milagro Sala’s house arrest today, without revealing the grounds for its decision and in utter breach of the precautionary measure ordered by the IACHR. The federal state, guarantor of Argentina’s international obligations, must take all the steps needed to fully comply with IACHR Resolution 23/2017.
IACHR granted precautionary measure in favor of Argentine social leader Milagro Sala
The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) granted the precautionary measure in favor of Argentine social leader Milagro Sala, making it clear that she cannot remain in prison any longer. Sala has been arbitrarily detained since January 16, 2016, when she was arrested over a protest. The precautionary measure was requested by Amnesty International, Andhes and CELS.
Milagro Sala: One year of arbitrary detention
Joint press release by CELS, Amnistía Internacional and ANDHES.
Milagro Sala conviction: a dangerous precedent for the exercise of the right to protest in Argentina
Based on testimony lacking any credibility, the federal judiciary handed down a disproportionate sentence to a social activist for an episode in which she did not participate.
United Nations requests immediate release of Milagro Sala, a prominent Argentine social leader
Joint press release by Amnistía Internacional Argentina, CELS and ANDHES.
What Obama Should Know About Macri’s Argentina
Milagro Sala’s arbitrary detention occurs in the context of multiple measures taken by the Macri administration that have weakened the rule of law on the pretext of security, economic freedom and the “war on drugs.” By Gastón Chillier and Ernesto Semán.
The detention of Milagro Sala: Human rights organizations seek precautionary measures from the IACHR
Argentine social activist Milagro Sala stands accused of inciting the crime of obstructing traffic in relation to a protest she helped organize, and of sedition for resisting a provincial measure related to the work of cooperatives in which she participates.