Militarization of the region at the IACHR

The militarization of public security is on the rise across the Americas, with very troubling consequences. For that reason, 17 organizations from 10 countries requested a regional hearing before the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR), which will be held on December 6.


The militarization of drug policies worsens human rights violations

At an intersessional meeting of the Commision on Narcotic Drugs (CND) of the United Nations, CELS made a presentation addressing the “fight” against drug trafficking, militarization of public security and its harmful effects on human rights. The discussions at the CND will culminate in March with a review of the global drug strategy over the last decade.


Human Rights in Argentina: Our 2017 report in broad strokes

Argentina is known globally for its hard-fought Memory, Truth and Justice process over the crimes committed during the 1976-1983 dictatorship. But numerous other human rights achievements have been enshrined in the country’s constitution, laws, regulations and jurisprudence over the years. Today, some of those are at risk.


Medical Cannabis: activist arrested

The Buenos Aires provincial police arrested a member of the Canabicultores de Zona Sur cannabis growers group, which produces cannabis for therapeutic use. The arrest occurred at the same time as the Chamber of Deputies was passing a bill to regulate the use of medicinal cannabis, although the wording of the bill does not account for cases like Adriana’s.


Has Argentina entered the ‘war on drugs’?

One of the dangers of the new government’s anti-drugs measures is that they enable military intervention in matters of domestic security, a path that once taken, is hard to reverse. By Manuel Tufró and Paula Litvachky.


Kidnapped and coerced: Liliana’s story

In this photo essay, produced in collaboration with WOLA, Liliana recounts how she was threatened and forced into transporting drugs to Argentina, where she is now being incarcerated far from her two children in Venezuela.