With more than 1,700 signatures from organizations, we condemn the protocol against protest before the UN and the IACHR

Jointly with trade unions, social movements, human rights organizations, and entities focused on social, trade, environmental, indigenous, migrant, transfeminist, religious, children’s, student, and political causes, we have requested international mechanisms to demand the Argentine State stop the implementation of new regulations that seek to restrict and repress public protest. These submissions were also supported by 15,000 individual signatures.


We filed a complaint against a company in the Techint Group for the disappearance of two human rights defenders in Mexico

The complaint was filed jointly with their families and organizations from Mexico and Luxembourg. We requested that urgent and necessary measures be taken in the search for lawyer Ricardo Lagunes Gasca and Antonio Díaz Valencia, who have not been heard from since mid-January. They disappeared after a community assembly regarding the Ternium company’s failure to make payments to the community for its mining activity.


We reject the attempt to benefit those convicted of crimes against humanity with house arrest on the pretext of prison overpopulation

Human rights organizations repudiate this maneuver that conceals another attempt to benefit the repressors. The Federal Penitentiary Service, which reports to the national Ministry of Justice and Human Rights, sent a list of 1,111 detained persons who, due to their time spent in prison, qualify for parole or house arrest with electronic monitoring. The document included 96 people convicted of crimes against humanity.