For the land: A documentary series about agribusiness and human rights
Four episodes, four countries, four stories that show how the use of pesticides affects health, access to land and environment of different communities in Argentina, Bolivia, Paraguay and Brazil.
Complaint against Bayer AG filed with the OECD for systematic human rights violations and environmental damages
Based on extensive research and numerous interviews, an alliance of six civil society organizations from Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, Bolivia and Germany are submitting an OECD complaint against this company for the serious impacts of industrial agriculture in South America.
Protests and escalation of state violence in the Argentine province of Jujuy
Mass mobilizations to protest for higher wages were further heightened by demonstrations against the constitutional reform proposed by the government of Jujuy. The government responded by quashing the demonstrations and criminalizing protesters, resulting in dozens of injured and arbitrary arrests. This new constitution passed in record time restricts the enjoyment of human rights and seeks to avoid social demonstration against the active expansion of mineral extractivism.
Limitations on the right to protest in Jujuy
This week, human rights organizations submitted a letter to the Constituent Convention expressing our concern about the proposed human rights setbacks in the province’s constitutional reform. The process has been conducted with unreasonably tight deadlines, lacking the necessary participation and debate, and raising concerns about its legality and legitimacy. This reform will have a detrimental impact on the right to protest, among others.
Urban drug trafficking, migrants, and the defense of activists: some of Cels’ topics for #fmdh23.
Between March 20 and 24, we will participate in the 3rd World Forum on Human Rights, organized by UNESCO, in Buenos Aires. As members of several committees, CELS is participating in more than a dozen activities for exchange and debate.
UN universal periodic review: What is Argentina’s human rights situation?
Argentina will be reviewed in the United Nations Human Rights Council on Monday, January 23. It will have to report to its peers on compliance with its international commitments on human rights matters. CELS, along with other organizations, produced reports as prior contributions for the assessment and recommendations to be produced by this mechanism. We will also be present at the session in Geneva.
Pressure increasing on Argentine civil society, a vital force for change
Argentina is consolidating rollbacks in some key areas of social contestation, with cases of violent police responses to public assemblies, increased judicial persecution of activists and organisers, and a political discourse supporting them both.
The state of economic, social and cultural rights in Argentina
Autor/a: Various
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Ancestral lands: the Inter-American Court will intervene for the first time in a case from Argentina
An emblematic case for guaranteeing the rights of indigenous peoples in our country has been brought before the Inter-American Court of Human Rights.
Maldonado: UN Committee on Enforced Disappearances closed urgent action and requested exhaustive, impartial investigation
The UN Committee on Enforced Disappearances closed its urgent action that had requested the Argentine government to search for and find Santiago Maldonado, while reminding the state of its obligation to guarantee an exhaustive, impartial and independent investigation.
In defense of the agreements forged in democracy
On Monday, December 4, the 2017 Annual Report edited by Siglo XXI will become available. The prologue, which we are sharing in advance, calls attention to decisions, measures and events that adversely affect critical items on the human rights agenda as well as protection mechanisms. The government response to grave incidents, repeated incidents of repression and discourses about present-day threats and episodes from the past put the human rights consensuses achieved in Argentina on alert. These have been compounded by judicial decisions that take aim at some of the pillars of democracy. This situation requires safeguarding human rights principles from the dynamic of overall polarization.
The Argentine state will be evaluated at the UN
National organizations presented their assessments for the Universal Periodic Review (UPR), a peer evaluation of the human rights situation in each of the UN’s 193 member states. Argentina will be evaluated in early November.
Santiago Maldonado’s Disappearance in Argentina: The UN Committee on Enforced Disappearances demands urgent state action
The UN Committee determined that the disappearance of Santiago Maldonado requires “urgent action by the state party to search for and locate him” and to identify those responsible.
Ministry of Security petitioned over repression of Mapuche community
In three separate operations, national and provincial security forces used unusual violence to repress members of the Lof Cushamen Mapuche community of Chubut, who have been subjected to criminalization and harassment.
The UN Human Rights Committee analyzed the state of civil and political rights in Argentina
Dialogue between the UN Human Rights Committee and the Argentine state regarding compliance with the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.