Silencing dissent through fear. Restrictions on civic space in Argentina
Autor/a: CELS
10 pages
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Canceled memory: the libertarian attempt to re-legitimize the dictatorship
Autor/a: CELS & Memoria Abierta
9 pages
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Bullets and jail: Criminalization of protesters and restriction of democratic freedoms in Argentina
Autor/a: CELS
14 pages
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State terrorism and memory, truth, and justice policies six months into the government of Javier Milei
Autor/a: CELS & Memoria Abierta
15 pages
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The right to protest: the need for an intersectional and transfeminist approach
Autor/a: Luciana Pol (general coordination) Cynthia Palacios Reckziegel and Lucía Morale (fieldwork, reaserch coordination, and text)
42 pgs.
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New Book on Human Rights During the Pandemic
POST is our latest contribution to analyzing how Covid-19 has critically affected human rights, heightening existing factors of previous situations of violations in a rapidly transforming panorama.
UN asks Argentina to take action to guarantee rights of women and LBTI persons
The UN Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women released its concluding observations regarding Argentina.
The UN Human Rights Committee analyzed the state of civil and political rights in Argentina
Dialogue between the UN Human Rights Committee and the Argentine state regarding compliance with the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.