IACHR: sexual and reproductive rights & the secular state

Argentina must review legislation that is discriminatory, such as the criminalization of abortion and the lack of access to health care for women who decide to interrupt their pregnancies. The IACHR also put itself at the disposition of states in the region to assist with establishing a clear separation between the secular state and religious beliefs.



After the lower house passed a bill to legalize the voluntary interruption of pregnancy through week fourteen, 129 votes to 125, we call on senators to vote in favor of human rights and of ending clandestine abortions in Argentina.


Legal abortion: UN bodies give their backing

The Working Group on discrimination against women urged the Argentine state to approve the bill to legalize the voluntary interruption of pregnancy. This is the latest in a series of such recommendations by UN bodies, based on human rights considerations.



The green scarf of the National Campaign for the Right to Legal, Safe and Free Abortion became part of the uniform of high school students. Teenage girls formed gender committees within student councils and are coordinating efforts to fight for their rights.