Petition for the Declaration of Unconstitutionality of the Appointments of Lijo and García-Mansilla

The decree in question constitutes a clear violation of the National Constitution and a serious affront to the separation of powers and judicial independence. In response, together with the Civil Association for Equality and Justice (ACIJ), the Institute for Comparative Studies in Criminal and Social Sciences (INECIP), and Poder Ciudadano, we filed an action for constitutional protection (amparo).


Supreme Court rules the “2 for 1” benefit is not applicable to crimes against humanity

The high court ruled on the case of Rufino Batalla, convicted to 13 years in prison for the kidnapping, torture and murder of Laura Carlotto and Olga Noemí Casado, and who had requested that the “2 for 1” sentence reduction provision be applied to his case. By determining it was inapplicable, the Supreme Court modified the criteria it had utilized in the Muiña ruling, which prompted widespread repudiation and led to the approval of a new law.


In defense of the agreements forged in democracy

On Monday, December 4, the 2017 Annual Report edited by Siglo XXI will become available. The prologue, which we are sharing in advance, calls attention to decisions, measures and events that adversely affect critical items on the human rights agenda as well as protection mechanisms. The government response to grave incidents, repeated incidents of repression and discourses about present-day threats and episodes from the past put the human rights consensuses achieved in Argentina on alert. These have been compounded by judicial decisions that take aim at some of the pillars of democracy. This situation requires safeguarding human rights principles from the dynamic of overall polarization.


What Obama Should Know About Macri’s Argentina

Milagro Sala’s arbitrary detention occurs in the context of multiple measures taken by the Macri administration that have weakened the rule of law on the pretext of security, economic freedom and the “war on drugs.” By Gastón Chillier and Ernesto Semán.